
Key Policies

The Election Trust Initiative has established the following policies to help ensure that we conduct our work with integrity and accountability.

Privacy policy

Read our privacy policy to learn how information about you may be received and used by the initiative and about our efforts to protect your data and rights.

Terms and conditions

See the terms governing your use of the initiative’s website and other online services we may offer.

Whistleblower policy

As outlined in the Election Trust Initiative’s whistleblower policy, employees, officers, and agents should report known violations or suspected violations to their supervisor, contact at Election Trust Initiative, its executive director, or its president. Employees, officers, or agents who report such violations or suspected violations in good faith will not be subject to retaliation of any kind in accordance with the whistleblower policy. Reported violations can be made through our whistleblower hotline at, which is hosted by an independent third party and permits anonymous reporting. Reports will be investigated and addressed promptly.